Again Sadder Than Was Sound and the Fury Page Number

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The Sound and the Fury Quotes

The Sound and the Fury The Audio and the Fury by William Faulkner
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The Sound and the Fury Quotes Showing 91-120 of 196
"Времето загива от цъкането на колелцата; спре ли един часовник, едва тогава времето наново се съживява."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"I learned that the best manner to take all people, black or white, is to take them for what they think they are, then exit them alone. That was when I realised that a nigger is not a person so much equally a course of behavior; a sort of obverse reflection of the white people he lives among."
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"Some days in late August at dwelling house are like this, the air thin and eager like this, with something in it distressing and nostalgic and familiar. Man the sum of his climatic experiences Father said. Man the sum of what take y'all. A trouble in impure properties carried tediously to an unvarying nil: stalemate of dust and desire. but at present I know I'k dead I tell you"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"the air thin and eager similar this, with something in it distressing and nostalgic and familiar."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"...who thus translated the Chickasaw title meaning "The Man"; which translation Ikkemotubbe, himself a homo of wit and imagination also as a shrewd judge of character, including his ain, carried it one step further and anglicised it to "Doom."
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"…and the mousesized mousecolored spinster trembling and aghast at her own temerity, staring across it at the childless available in whom ended that long line of men who had had something in them of decency and pride even after they had begun to neglect at the integrity and the pride had become mostly vanity and selfpity: from the expatriate who had to flee his native state with lilliputian else except his life still who however refused to accept defeat, through the man who gambled his life and his proficient name twice and lost twice and declined to accept that either, and the ane who with simply a clever pocket-sized quarterhorse for tool avenged his dispossessed begetter and grandad and gained a principality, and the bright and gallant governor and the general who though he failed at leading in boxing brave and gallant men at to the lowest degree risked his ain life as well in the failing, to the cultured dipsomaniac who sold the last of his patrimony non to purchase potable only to requite one of his descendants at least the all-time take a chance in life he could think of."
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"Algunos días a finales de Agosto son en casa como éste, el aire fino y anhelante como éste, habiendo en él algo triste y nostálgico y familiar. El hombre la suma de sus experiencias climáticas, dijo Padre. El hombre la suma de lo que te dé la gana. Un problema de propiedades impuras tediosamente arrastrado hacia una inmutable nada: jaquemate de polvo y deseo."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"Κι έτσι, είπα, θα κρατήσω αυτό. Επειδή ο Πατέρας είπε τα ρολόγια σφαγιάζουν τον χρόνο. Είπε ο Χρόνος είναι νεκρός όσο ροκανίζεται στους τροχίσκους ενός ρολογιού και μοναχά όταν το ρολόι σταματήσει ανασταίνεται ο χρόνος."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"A veces yo conseguía dormirme repitiéndolo una y otra vez hasta que se mezclaba con las madreselvas todo terminó por simbolizar la noche y el desasosiego no me parecía estar despierto ni dormido mirando hacia un largo pasillo de media luz grisácea donde todas las cosas estables se habían convertido en paradójicas sombras todo cuanto yo había hecho sombras todo cuanto yo había sufrido tomando formas visibles grotescas y burlándose con su inherente irrelevancia de la significación que deberían haber afirmado pensando era yo no era yo quién no era no era quién."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"Mi padre decía que un hombre es la suma de sus desgracias. Se puede creer que la desgracia acabará cansándose algún día, pero entonces tu desgracia es el tiempo dijo mi Padre. Una gaviota atrapada por un hilo invisible arrastrada por el espacio. Hacia la eternidad arrastras el símbolo de tu frustración. Entonces las alas son más grandes dijo Padre pero quién sabe tocar el arpa."
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"Frail equilibrium of periodical filth between two moons balanced. Moons he said total and yellow as harvest moons her hips thighs. Outside exterior of them always but. Yellow. Feet soles with walking like. Then know that some man that all those mysterious and imperious concealed. With all that inside of them shapes an outward suavity waiting for a bear upon to. Liquid putrefaction like drowned things floating like pale prophylactic flabbily filled getting the smell of honeysuckle all mixed up."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"I didnt look back the tree frogs didnt pay me any heed the grey light similar moss in the trees drizzling but all the same it wouldnt rain after a while I turned went back to the border of the forest as soon as I got there I began to olfactory property honeysuckle over again I could see the lights on the courthouse clock and the glare of town the square on the sky and the dark willows along the branch and the light in mothers windows the light still on in Benjys room and I stooped through the fence and went across the pasture running I ran in the gray grass among the crickets the honeysuckle getting stronger and stronger and the odor of water then I could see the water the colour of grayness honeysuckle I lay downward on the bank with my face close to the ground so I couldnt smell the honeysuckle I couldnt smell information technology and then and I lay in that location feeling the earth going through my dress listening to the water and after a while I wasnt breathing and so hard and I lay at that place thinking that if I didnt move my confront I wouldnt have to breathe hard and smell it and and then I wasnt thinking about anything at all she came forth the bank and stopped I didnt movement its late you lot keep abode what"
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"she looked at me then everything emptied out of her optics and they looked similar the eyes in statues blank and unseeing and serene put"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"While I was brushing my hair the half hour went. Merely there was until the three quarters anyhow, except suppose   seeing on the rushing darkness only his own face no cleaved feather unless ii of them but not ii like that going to Boston the aforementioned nighttime then my face his face for an instant across the crashing when out of darkness two lighted windows in rigid fleeing crash gone his face and mine just I see saw did I see not goodbye the marquee empty of eating the route empty in darkness in silence the bridge arching into silence darkness sleep the water peaceful and swift not goodbye I"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"(...) cada homem é árbitro de suas próprias virtudes, mas homem algum deve prescrever o que é bom para outro homem; e eu: temporariamente; e ele: foi a palavra mais triste de todas, nada mais no mundo não é desespero até que seja tempo, nem mesmo o tempo, até que foi."
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"and he and so you will remember that for you to go to harvard has been your mothers dream since you were born and no compson has always disappointed a lady and i temporary it will exist better for me for all of us and he every man is the czar of his own virtues but let no man prescribe for some other mans wellbeing and i temporary and he was the saddest give-and-take of all at that place is nothing else in the world its not despair until time its non fifty-fifty time until it was The last note sounded. At"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"Garip şey, derdin ne olursa olsun erkekler sana dişlerini muayene ettir der, kadınlar da evlen der. Hayatında hiçbir şeyi başaramamış bir adam kalkar sana işini nasıl yöneteceğini anlatır. Bir çift çorabı olmayan üniversite profesörlerinin on yılda nasıl milyoner olunacağını ve ömründe bir koca bulamamış bir kadının aileye nasıl bakılacağını anlatmasına benzer bu."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"and he every man is the arbiter of his ain virtues but permit no man prescribe for another mans wellbeing and i temporary and he was the saddest discussion of all there is nothing else in the world of all there is nothing else in the world its not despair its non even time"
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury
"Ты зачем ему далась поцеловать зачем"
Это не он а я сама хотела целоваться". И смотрит как меня охватывает злость Ага не нравится тебе! Алый отпечаток руки выступил на лице у нее будто свет рукой включили и глаза у нее заблестели
Я не за то ударил что целовалась". Локти девичьи пятнадцать лет. Отец мне: "Ты глотаешь точно в горле у тебя застряла кость от рыбы Что это с тобой" Напротив меня Кэдди за столом и не смотрит на меня "А за то что ты с каким-то городским пшютиком вот за что Говори будешь еще Будешь Не хочешь сказать: не буду?" Алая ладонь и пальцы проступили на лице. Ага не нравится тебе Тычу ее лицом в стебли трав впечатались крест-накрест в горящую щеку: "Скажи не буду Скажи"
А сам с грязной девчонкой целовался с Натали" Забор ушел в тень, и моя тень в воду."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"Versh told me about a man who mutilated himself. He went into the woods and did it with a razor, sitting in a ditch. A broken razor flinging them backward over his shoulder the same movement complete the jerked skein of claret backward not looping. But that'south not information technology. It's non not having them. It's never to have had them so I could say O That That's Chinese I dont know Chinese. And Father said it'due south because you are a virgin: dont you see? Women are never virgins. Purity is a negative land and therefore contrary to nature."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"Jason Lycurgus. Who, driven perhaps past the coercion of the flamboyant name given him by the sardonic embittered woodenlegged indomitable father who perhaps however believed with his heart that what he wanted to be was a classicist schoolteacher, rode up the Natchez Trace one day in 1811 with a pair of fine pistols and one meagre saddlebag on a small-scale lightwaisted but stronghocked mare which could do the first two furlongs in definitely nether the halfminute and the next ii in not appreciably more, though that was all."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"dont suppose anybody ever deliberately listens to a lookout or a clock. You dont accept to. You can exist oblivious to the sound for a long while, then in a second of ticking it tin can create in the heed unbroken the long diminishing parade of time you didn't hear."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"If it could just be a hell beyond that: the clean flame the two of us more than dead. Then yous will take only me then merely me then the two of usa amongst the pointing and the horror beyond the clean flame...
... Only you and me and so amid the pointing and the horror walled by the clean flame"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"that adult trait of being convinced of annihilation by an assumption of silent superiority"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"Then the night began to get in shine, vivid shapes, like it always does, even when Caddy says that I have been asleep."
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"There was something terrible in me sometimes at night I could see it grinning at me I could see it through them grin at me through their faces information technology'south gone now and I'g sick"
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
"I never said annihilation more than. it doesn't do whatsoever good. I've constitute that when a man gets into a estrus the all-time thing y'all can exercise is let him stay there."
William Faulkner, The Audio and the Fury

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